Browse web3 safely

Run instant safety checks against 50,000+ wallet addresses

Stay protected from malicious activites

We will inform you of any phishing, scam or exploit attempts before you lose your funds.

Put a name on addresses

Leverage our database of 50,000+ trusted addresses, including centralized exchanges, decentralized protocols and more.

Transact more confidently

Reduce the risk of error and add any address you are used to interacting with to your personnal whitelist.

Help make web3 a safer place

Noloshield is powered by and for the community. You can decide to share (or not) your whitelisted and blacklisted addresses.


supported chains


trusted addresses


scanned addresses


protected funds

Protect yourself in seconds

Easily install NoloShield extension on your web browser

Better analytics

Better collaboration

Better reports

Take your startup to the next level.
Credit card not required.